My New Working Station

My New Working Station - Thanks to MCO
Hi Guys ! 

It has been tremendous past months. World is hitting by Covid-19 and almost all countries were been lock-down due to this killer virus. Currently we in Malaysia can breath a sigh of relief since the number is now dropping to a single digit. However, quoted David Nabarro, the medical doctor who is now also working and helping WHO - "The world will have to learn to live with the coronavirus"

Isn't that terrifying? Covid-19 is not denggue, of normal flu, it kills people! I really pray vaccines for this deathly virus will be soon discover and man will just live as normal being without being afraid even to shake hand and get together with friends. 

I am taking the advantage of a very long free time by makeover my working station. I just use banquet table and it's comfortable enough for me. I wrap it with the gift wrapping paper and wrap again with plastic. So I celebrate my Birthday every months. 

My Toshiba laptop is already 10 years and alhamdulillah it still in it's very good condition and the Canon iP1300 which I bought for only RM35 also doing a great job settling all my airway bills, sales documents and my kids homework sheets. They are a lot!

My husband bought me used botless rack to keep all my other business stocks (right-behind-me) and I am really glad I got it. Thanks honey! It does help me a lot since my stocks getting pile up. My sales are dropping, but it's ok. I'll work harder & less order from other business will give me more time to create new artworks for this blog and @malaysiawalldecor . I think I'm going to change the name. SukaDekor perhaps?


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